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Created 10-Jan-13
15 photos

Russian Dance Costume Design Book 2019"Isadora" Russian Premiere Book 2019"Impresario - Dancers in New Dimensions" 2016Henry T. Segerstrom 2013Remembering Roy E. Disney 2013What the Sea Teaches Us - The Crew of the Morning Light / Roy E DisneyCalifornia... A Great Place to LiveConditioning for Strength and Human Performance 2nd Edition, T.Jeff Chandler/ Lee E. BrownPersonal Fitness "book"Avalon - Self Publised book of photographsChina - Self Publised boo of images from trip to China 2006The Inn on Mt. Ada - Self Published book of images of the Inn on Mt. AdaOCPAC Book - Building of Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall"More Creative Date" - Book 1987"More Creative Date" - Book (Back Cover) 1987

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